• yes! i do not charge extra to shoot in a studio, but you will have to pay the fee to book the studio. once you send your booking form and inform me that you want to shoot in a studio, i’ll send over a list of a few in the area & you can choose the one that will work best.

  • click the booking option on my website and fill out the form! it will take 24-48 hours for a reply and we will discuss specifics through email. also sometimes my emails get sent to spam, so always check there!

    also, if you just want to shoot with me but dont have a solid idea. i have tons of pinterest boards full of inspiration for shoots i’d love to do! just let me know. if you do this option you will get a discount.

  • make sure you have everything ready for your upcoming shoot! makeup, hair, outfit, location etc. if you need any recommendations or help i’m always very eager to help!

  • i’m starting to get into videography but not confident enough to do big projects! just dm me with your idea and budget and i’ll get back to you if it’s possible!

  • no worries! once we discuss your idea/theme i can easily send you some location options that fit.

  • all future cons will be shown in my bio on instagram!

  • i use the website pixieset.com to store and send your photos for 6 months.

  • I will keep them up for 6 months max so please download them immediately and store them somewhere safe.

  • mostly, yes! only one i wont customize much are the smallest solo portrait package.

  • please contact me through my contact page about all wedding questions.

  • i do not deliver the raws or unedited images. those images do not represent my work so i do not feel comfortable giving them out.

  • depends on the photoshoot!

    solo portrait - 1 week

    couple/duo portraits - 2-3 weeks

    family photoshoot - 3 weeks

    small weddings - 1 month max

  • of course! i always send the final photos in a big enough size to be printed.

  • please do not sell the photos. if you want to, discuss it with me before we shoot but in the contract everyone signs before shooting with me clearly states you cannot sell the photos.

  • please do not re-edit the photos. usually i dont mind cropping but if there is anything you think needs edited or fixed just let me know before doing it yourself.

  • I do not do this. only editing i do is color grading and skin retouching.

  • depends! for sure contact me by email if you’re interested.

  • yes I usually ask for a half deposit. that just secures your time/day.

  • paypal/apple pay/cash/venmo

  • if we have to re-schedule because of something out of control like weather/sickness. then no, i will continue to hold the deposit and we can change the day but if not there will be a extra fee to reschedule.